Emily in Paris: A Fashionable Journey Through the City of Love
“Emily in Paris” is an American romantic drama web series created by Netflix in 2020. The series represents the life of a young American woman called Emily Cooper who has just moved to Paris from Chicago for a job opportunity. As Emily embarks on a new chapter of her life the beauty, fashion, and romance in Paris welcome Emily. The character of Emily Cooper is performed by Lily Collins, Reflecting the challenges of a new city, different culture, and another work dynamic.
The stylish fashion of the whole series was a noticeable fact about it as the series featured many attractive and stylish outfits. The series also shows her obsession with Emily for vibrant, bright, and noticeable colors as her wardrobe was full of designer brands and street fashion that created an appealing and influencing fashion from the beginning till the end of the series.
American touch the fashion choices of Emily disagree with their native looks of Emily. Her outfit showcased the controversy of being an American or a Parisian. The fashion throughout the series played a major part in upraising the beauty and glamour of the city making the show more appealing.
Emily in Paris Outfits:
The outfit chosen in “Emily in Paris” were known for their fashionable and unique style. A few examples of some classic outfits Emily Cooper are mentioned below:
“Chic Parisian Ensemble” Emily gave a warm welcome to the Parisian but also some Americano pinch on top. She uses the combo of the flared skirt with long coats which she usually loved in the traditional colors that gave a very French aesthetic look.
“Colorful Print Mixing” The obsession with bold and vibrant outfits was loud and clear throughout the series “Emily in Paris”. Emily was not afraid of combing different patterns and colors creating an eye-catching and unique appearance in the eyes of others.
Emily Cooper’s wardrobe was one of the reasons for the hype of the series “Emily in Paris” as her outfits were known for their eye-catching and appealing looks. Here are a few examples from her wardrobe:
The “Colorful Tweed Jacket,” Emily repeatedly wears tweed jackets with vibrant colors such as pink, blue, and yellow. looks and the presence of the jackets gave an elegant and smooth touch to her outfits.
The “Leather Moto Jacket” as the name suggests a black leather version of the retro moto jacket was Emily’s preference. The fitted and black leathery surface gave a strong aesthetic vibe.
“Plaid Overcoat” was on repeat and can be been frequently seen in her collection. These fancy overcoats gave a perfect and lasting look to her outfits.
“Faux Fur Coat” As life and culture was not easy to handle in Paris so was the weather to fight against the freezing cold Emily equipped long cozy fur coats and was seen many times wearing them in different colors and lengths. These coats were good at their job but also kept Emily in the fashion.
“Statement Trench Coat” Emily enjoyed these coats very often and always went for the traditional color beige but sometimes also enjoyed unique colors such as red. These coats added a touch of beauty and delicacy to her looks.
“Bold Printed Jacket” Emily wasn’t afraid of her bold choices even in her outfits. Sometimes she hung up eye-catching prints and like animal prints and colorful prints that gave a readiness of her passion for fashion.
Emily wants afraid of whether she looked different from people around her this could also be seen by her admiration for eye-catching prints such as the one with animals and bright colors. These jackets make her feel like a standout from the rest of the people and her passion for fashion.
Overall, Emily in Paris Jacket and Coats in “Emily in Paris” was all about her love for vibrant colors, patterns, and textures. The part of her personality that was fashion-forward and the inconvincible outfits that uplifted Parisian fashion.
Emily’s Confident and Adventurous Style in ‘Emily in Paris
“Style and versatility” Emily’s personality was confusing for many people as they were unable to distinguish between native and non-native but when it came to fashion Emily gave a clear image of fashion, she loved her looks in the leather jackets and how they fitted gave the confidence of another level.
Overall, Emily in Paris Outfits and Fashion in “Emily in Paris” clearly her love for boldness, vibrancy, and willingness to take risks. Her style showcases a combo of classic Parisian beauty with trends, showcasing the fashion-forward spirit and highlighting her confident and adventurous personality.